How We Help

Counseling Services

Slim’s Chance Inc. will provide counseling agency information to families as needed. Local resources are available to provide individual counseling for children and adults, family counseling, and other family supports following a loss.

Financial Assistance

Slim’s Chance Inc. Financial Assistance information coming soon.

Assistance and Guidance

Slim’s Chance Inc. Financial Assistance information coming soon.

Financial Planning

  • Access to a Certified Financial Planner to discuss
    long-term plans and goals

  • One-on-one meeting with a Certified Financial Planner to discuss short-term and long-term financial concerns

  • Cash flow analysis to ensure a complete understanding of the financial situation is in place

  • In the event of a short-term financial NEED, submission to the foundation to request a financial hardship need can be initiated. Once submitted, the board will review the request and decide if the foundation will grant Assistance and how much.

Learn more about how you can make a change.